Vegetable Sandwich with Salmon and Las Terceras Manchego Cheese

Vegetable Sandwich with Salmon and Las Terceras Manchego Cheese

Gourmet recipe made with Semi-cured Manchego cheese P.D.O.

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Put water to boil and introduce the egg for about 10 minutes until cooked. Meanwhile, toast the bread, and cut the onion, tomato and avocado into thin slices. We also cut the Las Terceras semi-cured Manchego cheese into thin slices. Next, we add a splash of soy and honey sauce to the salmon and let it rest while we assemble the sandwich: We place a slice of toasted bread, then the salmon with the sauce and some raw spinach leaves. We put another slice of bread and on top we put the tomato and onion. Next, we add another slice of bread, a few slices of Las Terceras semi-cured Manchego cheese, another slice of bread, and on top the avocado and hard-boiled egg. We closed the sandwich with another slice of bread. It's done!

Manchego cheese with PDOManchego cheese with PDO
Queso manchego Las Terceras. Ctra Valdepeñas Cózar Km 21 - 13344 Torre de Juan Abad (Ciudad Real) Tel. 926 090 926 - Email: