Las Terceras Hard Cured Manchego Cheese and Migas

Las Terceras Hard Cured Manchego Cheese and Migas

Print recipe of Las Terceras manchego cheese DOP



Fill a mold by layers, one of cheese and one of crumbs ... We put oil in a pan to the fire, in the center we put the steel mold, when the oil is hot we introduce a pair of quail eggs into the mold so that the clear curdles with the shape of the mold. With the help of a knife, unmold the eggs and place them on the layers of crumbs and cheese.

We love the dish with black olives and more cheese.

Wrap the slices of spicy pork sausage with chives and fry until crispy.

Manchego cheese with PDOManchego cheese with PDO
Queso manchego Las Terceras. Ctra Valdepeñas Cózar Km 21 - 13344 Torre de Juan Abad (Ciudad Real) Tel. 926 090 926 - Email: