Hard-cured Manchego Cheese lollipops Las Terceras P.D.O.

Hard-cured Manchego Cheese lollipops Las Terceras P.D.O.

Print recipe with Las Terceras Manchego cheese



Grate finely the manchego cheese and preheat the oven to 180ºC. Cover an oven tray with parchmet paper and sprinkle small handfuls of the cheese finely rated into it divided into 5 piles. Then, place the stick in the center of each pile and then add a bit of cheese more to cover the stick and help it adhere better. Bake for 2 or 3 minutes until they become golden and let them cool down before touching them. Remove the paper and serve with jams and honey.

Manchego cheese with PDOManchego cheese with PDO
Queso manchego Las Terceras. Ctra Valdepeñas Cózar Km 21 - 13344 Torre de Juan Abad (Ciudad Real) Tel. 926 090 926 - Email: info@lasterceras.com