Cupcakes de calabaza con queso manchego P.D.O. Las Terceras

Pumpkin Cupcakes

Print recipe with Las Terceras Manchego cheese


For the dough:

Preheat oven to 180 degrees

Roast the squash in the oven, cool and crush . Mix the milk with the vanilla , add sugar and crushed pumpkin and beat until a dough forms. Gradually add the eggs one at a time , stirring constantly until a smooth dough.

In a bowl sift flour , baking powder, ginger and cinnamon. Incorporate it to previous mass. Then add semi-cured manchego cheese Las Terceras P.D.O. and mix with a spatula.

Next, divide the dough into cupcake tins until cover ¾ parts of molds and bake for 20 to 25 minutes until the dough rises and remains consistent. Cool the cupcakes.

For the chocolate coating:

  • 200g chocolate dessert
  • 100ml cream
  • 50g of butter

Melt cream with chocolate in a bain marie. Remove the pot from heat and add butter .


Cover cupcakes with couverture chocolate to form the faces. Make the hats with cheese covered in chocolate.

Those who do not wear hats are decorated with clove.

Manchego cheese with PDOManchego cheese with PDO
Queso manchego Las Terceras. Ctra Valdepeñas Cózar Km 21 - 13344 Torre de Juan Abad (Ciudad Real) Tel. 926 090 926 - Email: